Well spring is just around the corner and I can't wait!!!
I want to get out of the coffin aka office and out into that garden with the students.
Last week I had the students go online and look at plants they wanted to grow to see if we'd be able to grow them in our garden. The students really want to try growing the three sisters (corn, beans, and squash) as well as raspberries. I think that there would be great. We have a little over $500 left from the grant we got from Metro Grocery Stores and most of the original amount went to tools, which we don't have to buy again this year. GO TEAM!
In the fall we planted some garlic and I really hope that the squirrels didn't eat all of it. But come the spring we're going to have to build planter boxes and cover them with chicken wire to keep the furry tailed rats out!
In the mean time the Eco-Club will just have to keep learning about the importance of recycling and energy conservation.