Monday, May 31, 2010

Bike Month pt2

Looks like Bike Month got off to a great start! There were quite a few people at the CBC this morning and City Hall was packed!
It was good to see some familiar faces. I hope everyone can check out some of the events going on this month. Check out the City's webpage for more info on all the events.

Matt G. interviewing cycling activists and a driving instructor about what drivers and cyclists can do to keep the roads safe for everyone.

The Toronto Cyclist Union all set up at City Hall.

Just a small glimps of the hoards of cyclists at City Hall this morning.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bike Month

Toronto's Bike Month is starts on Tuesday, but there are plenty of pre-events going on too (I plan on going to the Brick Works this weekend and getting that free bike wash).
Download the pdf or visit your local bike shop (LBS) and pick up a brochure filled with all the events going on. There is a lot of stuff going on from group rides to workshops, so check it out!

It all kicks off on Monday (May 31st) with a group ride down to city hall for a free pancake breakfast and a free t-shirt (while supplies last). Here are some pics of some sweet custom rides that showed up at last year's group ride. You can also stop by the CBC between 5:30-8:30am for coffee, muffins, and watch a live broadcast of CBC's Metro Morning, click here for more info.

I'm going to try to hit up one of these events before making my way to work. Hope to see some of you there too!

Garden Links

Well I've been finishing around the internet these days to find out some good gardening tip and get some info around school gardens.
Here is just a few links that I thought you might be interested in:

Toronto Balconies Bloom - Toronto has acres of untapped growing space on its balconies, and an opportunity for creating a peaceful and pleasurable living environment while at the same time improving the air we breathe. Just because you don't have a backyard doesn't mean you can't be a gardener.

The Locavore's Garden - Here you'll find some great tips on starting and maintaining a food garden.

Growing for Green - A Ward 21 garden blog group that offers various workshops and volunteer opportunities.

Green Neighbours 21 - A grass-roots, action-oriented group of people who live in ward 21 (and beyond) who are working together on solutions to climate change and other environmental problems.

Green Garage - This private company specializes is green roofing, keeps your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Pin It for the Planet

Sorry for totally slacking off with the updates, but here is a quick one to let you know about an event that starts on Monday (May 31st)

I know that I mentioned this event in an earlier post about the Green Living Show, but now there is a little more going on.
The WWF has created a website where you can sign up and track how many kilometres you've travelled with out your car.

Now when you see someone with car keys pinned to their shirt you'll know what it's all about and you can give them a high 5 for being car free.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that bike month will be starting on Monday too. If you're working downtown don't forget to take advantage of a free breakfast outside the CBC on Front St. if you're on your bike

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bottle Water Con't

Sorry I haven't been able to update in the last little while, things around here are getting busy.
The cheque from Metro finally came through (yaaa!) and we're looking at what we need to get to make sure we have a happy garden.

I just wanted to give a quick update about my bottled water post because I came across another link from the Story of Stuff creator. If you're not familiar with the Story of Stuff you should really check it out.
I'm not sure if I posted this link NFB link for bottle water free week, but here it is again There are some great short videos about how people use water. This site is really well done and lots of fun to explore.

I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date on the garden as it unfolds. In the mean time if you have any garden tools kicking around that you no longer use or want to replace, please feel free to get in touch with me or the school and donate them to our project.